Strangeness in Quark Matter '24

June 7, 2024

The UIC contingent at SQM.

Three UIC group members headed to Strasbourg, France this week to present our results at the 2024 edition of the Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM) conference. A picture of us at the conference center can be seen above.

I presented an exciting new analysis that was led by one of our graduate students, Shirsendu Nanda, which studies the production of excited states of particles called charmonia, which consist of a bound charm and anti-charm quark. In particular, we found that less excited states are created relative to the particle's ground state when there are many particles produced in the collision. Our result, shown by the red data points below, is significantly more precise than previous measurements, and will help scientists understand how these charmonium particles form in particle-dense environments by comparing to theoretical models such as the one shown by the gray band. More information can be found in our preliminary write up.

Our new result measuring charmonia production in pPb collisions.